Planet Pipes are now ISO & ISI Certified
We feel proud to announce that we are now ISO and ISI certified. To maintain the quality of products, it is important to have a certification by ISO and ISI. They have set some standards, which are designed to make sure the quality assurance of services or goods all over the world. Recently, our company, Planet Pipes, got the certification of ISO and ISI for our products such as PVC plumbing pipes and PVC electrical pipes. This is how we assure the quality and credibility of our products such as PVC plumbing pipes and
PVC electrical pipes
We are accredited by both international and Indian organizations for our quality products and systems including piping and fittings used in both residential and commercial projects. We did a lot of hard work to achieve this certification. In such a short span, our company has been accredited for following a premium quality manufacturing system as an ISO and ISI certified company. In addition to that, our company has been certified by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for our different range of products, which are being marked as BIS-certified products.
IS: 4985
According to this standard, unplasticized PVC supplies used for different water supplies are covered. This standard defines the requirements for plain and socket-ended pipes for potable water supplies, which include those for utilization with elastomeric sealing rings. Moreover, it also applies to agricultural pipes. Our manufacturing range of PVC plumbing pipes ranges from 20mm to 200mm in different classes such as I, II, III, and IV.
IS: 9537
In this standard, the requirement for PVC conduit used for covering electrical cables is covered. We, at Planet Pipes, got our PVC electrical pipes certified and adhere to the standards of IS: 9537. Our manufacturing unit manufactures PVC electrical pipes of different ranges, which varies from 16mm to 32mm (diameter) in different classes such as heavy, medium, and light.
So, with standard certifications of ISO and ISI, we manufacture our different products so that we can sustain a standard quality product in the market. To know more about our standardized and certified PVC pipes, visit our website and check our accreditation certifications from both international and Indian organizations.
At Planet Pipes, you will get a certified product including PVC pipes for covering electrical cables and used in water supply areas. So, if you have any requirements, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will surely help you with the right standardized and certified product.